Pay Problems
Please contact the Heartland office regarding HEARTLAND ONLY pay issues. Field Managers and Referee Assignor are not involved in resolving referee payment issues.
To submit a Payment problem to the Heartland office, please email [email protected] and provide the following:
- Game number
- Your referee ID number
- Field location and number
- Game Time and
- Team numbers involved (if possible)
Heartland pays off the game cards. If you are not listed as Center or Assistant, you will not get paid for that game.
All pay to sit (standby) referees must be approved by Heartland’s Referee Assignor.
Most of the pay problems are due to:
- Wrong referee ID number
- Game Card was not completed with all referees who worked that game
- Illegible handwriting
- Game cards not turned in by referee
- Out dated banking information
- Unsigned, incomplete or missing forms
All referees are engaged as independent contractors and per tax laws only if you earn over $600.00 will you receive a 1099.
To be paid the Heartland office must have each of the following:
- Updated W-9 (each time your address changes)
- Updated DDA Direct Deposit Authorization Form with banking verification (for checking accounts a voided check, for savings accounts a letter from the bank showing name on account, routing and account number, is required)
- Completed Referee Application/Availability (each season)